Well a new Rasmussen Reports poll out this afternoon shows Mike and John McCain tied at 24% in South Carolina. Less than a week ago the same poll showed McCain with a 10 point lead after his New Hampshire win. Well I think the bounce is about over. Mitt Romney appears to have received little if no bounce coming out of his Michigan win. He has only moved up 1% in S.C. however nationally he has moved up 5% to 18%. However that number is still 5% below Mike who is polling at 23%. Poor Fred Thompson is currently in 4th place in South Carolina. I hope that if he stays in that position that he will drop out of the running after this weekend. Although I believe if he drops out that he will probably endorse McCain.
I am continually amazed at the amount of attention that is shown on Mike when one of those 527 groups does an ad against one of the other candidates. If there is any connection to Mike it is blown way out of proportion. However no one is saying anything about all the 527 ads against Mike. Especially the ones by the Club for Growth.
I love to here Sean Hannity kiss up to Fred Thompson. He is always talking about the McCain/Feingold legislation. However, Fred also voted in favor of the legislation. After every debate or Primary there's Fred on Hannity and Colmes. He comes in 4th place and he is the first one they put on. He came on after the Michigan primary and my wife walked by and I said here comes the Thompson lovefest.
It has been awhile since I have had a chance to post. A lot of things going on at work and home. I am a proud member of the Southaven Mike Huckabee Meetup Group. The website is located at http://mikehuckabee.meetup.com/235/ .
Thursday, January 17, 2008
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